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What is GRINdex?

We always wondered, with thousands of indexes available to measure different investing benchmarks, why isn’t there one for peace of mind?

So, we went to work on solving that problem.


 When you finally know the answer to exactly How Much is Enough?, carefully calculated by our Freedom Day Plan, you will have earned the most valuable asset of all – more time – to spend only how you wish!

Some of the best feedback we have gotten on why most people do not have a disciplined plan in place is - “What if I don’t know what my dream is yet?” The most wonderful role we have, as a trusted guide, is this part right here – you may be surprised how peace of mind can unlock doors you may not even know exist yet. So, our best piece of advice is to start ANY planning process and invest in it efficiently. If we can help, we would be delighted.


“Discipline equals freedom. That’s not a contradiction – it’s an equation.”

- Jocko Willink


We share these stories because grins are highly contagious. If any of these remarkably different versions of what peace of mind can look like, serves as a nudge, then we are thrilled. Their success stories ARE our business.

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